Saturday, August 25, 2012

[summer evening birds are calling]

It's the last weekend before school starts *sigh*. I've finished all my pre first day of school homework and pretty much have everything ready. Tomorrow, I'll pack up my backpack and get everything ready to go.

Yesterday, I had an awesome end of summer/back to school date with C. I have been thinking about HK a lot and decided we should go to eat dim sum. I looked up some places online and found a place in "Chinatown" that serves HK style dim sum all day. It wasn't quite as good as Tim Ho Wan but it was pretty yummy. My favorite was the har gow (steamed fresh shrimp dumplings). After dinner we browsed around the Asian grocery store next door. The sights and smells reminded us of HK and brought back memories of the different places we had been. The experience was bittersweet, more for him than me obviously. I spent 2 weeks there and missed it when I left, I can't imagine the feelings he must have after living there for a whole year.

After the Asian market, we headed to the theater and paid way too much to see Paranorman. It wasn't a bad movie, in fact, we really enjoyed it. It just sucks that it costs almost $30 for 2 people to see a movie and near $50 if you want sodas and/or popcorn. Insanity! While we were waiting for the movie, we played Terminator Salvation and Street Fighter. I usually kick C's butt at Terminator but I swear something was wrong with the gun as I only killed 4. FOUR! That is so not right, I usually kill 10 times that many! I made up for it in Street Fighter though, I beat C and a whole bunch of other characters until Nash K.O.-ed me. I had so much fun playing even though I hurt my fingers punching those buttons, lol.

Today, dad and I took my niece and nephew to his company picnic. We had a lot of fun, the kids played games and putt putt and got their faces and arms painted. I got a one eyed wolf painted on my arm... OK it was a two eyed one but one eye looked weird, loll! It was still cool. We played ping pong, lawn chess, ate sno-cones and watermelon. My niece won first place in the pie eating contest and won a huge tote bag full of summer water stuff- a slip n slide, goggles, water frisbee, pool toys and some other small stuff. Her favorite thing? The bubble wrap. My nephew won a squirt gun and a Sponge Bob puzzle which he put together and took apart 4 or 5 times.  We were all sweaty and tired by the end of the afternoon.

I probably should have taken a nap when I got home but I didn't and now I'm super tired. Later!

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