Friday, December 31, 2010

Blog 365

OK, so I am going to try this Blog 365 project. We'll see how it goes.

The past few days have been pretty lazy. My parents are on vacation and I am home alone, well not alone. I am with C and all the animals. We have been watching TV and playing RuneScape. Yesterday we started watching Doctor Who, S2 and part of S2. He doesn't share my love of TV but he did like DW a lot. He does share my love of cheesy horror, we watched a comedy/horror movie last night-Grace. We also watched some really disturbing B movies recently-Necromentia and The Human Centipede.

I hope everyone has a great New Year! We are going to a Panamanian NYE party tonight. We are supposed to dress "very dressy" but not formal. I have no idea what that means... I just hope we have fun.

In other boyfriend news, C got an offer to teach chess in Hong Kong. He keeps going back and forth on if he wants to go or not. I have mixed feelings but will respect whatever decision he makes. If it were me, in his situation, I'd go. He asked me to go with him and as much as I want to go, I need to stay here and finish my nursing degree.

Speaking of, this semester is OB/Pedi and is supposed to be a tiny bit easier, we'll see. Class doesn't start until 1/18 and I already have reading assignments and 85 key words to define; it has to be handwritten-boo. Our clinical groups are all jacked up and I have clinical with almost all new people. I'm trying to think positively. I have heard nothing but bad things about the clinical instructor, I don't think she could be any worse that the one I had this past year though.

I know I usually do an end of the year wrap up thingy but I just don't feel like it. I have had a great year, full of great people, great experiences and a lot of hard work.