Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May The Fourth Be With You

Happy Star Wars Day!!

Update much? LOL.

We had our ATI proctored test today, kind of an exit exam but not for a grade. It had a lot of questions about pedi head injuries and pedi med-surg that we did not go over in class. Boo. I'm sure there will be questions like that on the NCLEX though so I downloaded the app for my iPod so I can practice. 

My final isn't til 5/17 so I'm out of school for about 2 weeks. I'm going to try to study a little bit every day instead of waiting till the weekend before the test and cramming.

After school, I came home and set up my Wii. It was birthday present from my awesome boyfriend. I got tired of waiting on Dad to help me and did it myself; I didn't have any problems except that it's in black and white... something to do with the HDTV. Nintendo suggests buying a special cord (of course) but another source said to switch ports so I'm going to try that first. I messed around with it making a Mii and tried out some of the games. I had so much fun bowling and playing baseball! I tried playing Super Mario Brothers but failed miserably, lol. I never was good at it.

After dinner, I got Dad and Mandy to play the Wii with me. We all bowled then Mandy and I played baseball. I'm not great at bowling, both Dad and Mandy beat me. I kicked butt at baseball though! Woohoo! I was the home run queen!! It was a lot more physical than I thought it would be. I like that we were having fun and moving around. We all need to be more active. After we got tired of playing baseball, Mandy and I (with a little help from mom and dad) made our mii family. We had an awesome time and I think we did a really good job! 

I eventually need to get 2 more wiimotes and 1-3 more nunchucks for boxing so we can all play at the same time.